Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy Easter!

What is this thing that I'm holding? Let me taste it and see... Pretty good!
Francesca loved to hunt for Easter eggs.

The girls with their Easter baskets.

On another egg hunt at Grandma's house.

Look at all the eggs we found!

Some had jelly beans in them.

Anna just liked holding them and trying to eat them.

Hope everyone had a happy Easter!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Anna loves her feet. She pulls her socks off all of the time and tries to eat her toes. So cute. The Woody girls in the rocking chair.

Reading books before bedtime. Mama's favorite time of day.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Fun day outside!

It was a beautiful day today! 60 degrees! So, we stayed outside as much as possible. Anna tried out her new swing and loved it. Francesca pushing Anna in her swing.

Swinging high on the glider.

Big girl!

We also went to the zoo this morning with Nana. Francesca climbed on the big lion.

Standing next to the Okapi.

Anna is 6 months old!

Anna is 6 months old already! She is sitting up really well on her own and one of her bottom teeth has just about poked through. She continues to think her big sister is the most hilarious thing on earth. She's still working on eating baby food but we're getting there. The time has really flown by. We love having our Anna Banana in our life.

Lunch date with friends.

Francesca had a lunch date with a few of her friends from school. She has informed us that Chad is her boyfriend. He's the one leaning on her. Apparently he's pretty into her too. His mom told me Francesca is all he talks about. Chad kept trying to hug Francesca but she wasn't too thrilled (thank goodness!) She had a great time with her friends. She's growing up so fast. Chad, Francesca, Stevie, and Hannah.

beautiful baby girl

proud big sister

1st woody family photo

birthday girl

1st day of school