Sunday, April 27, 2008

Silly videos

Spring Fun!

We babysat Jack on Friday and took the kids to Centennial Park. We were chased by geese, found a baby turtle, and watched the ducks swim. Francesca also got a little goofy as you can see below. Nana and Jack looking at the goose.

Jack and Anna in the stroller.

Spring is finally here to stay I hope. We have been outside as much as possible. Anna likes to pull up the grass.

Sisters sharing a hug in the shade.

Chad's Birthday Party

This past week Francesca went to her first birthday party at Chuckie Cheese. It was for her boyfriend at school, Chad. She had so much fun and said "This is the greatest place ever!" Below is a picture of the birthday boy.Francesca and her friend Stevie having pizza.
Riding the rides at Chuckie Cheese.

Riding in a car with Chuckie himself.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Jade!

We had a great day. It was so nice out. Almost 80 degrees! Francesca helped her Dad water the flowers and we went to Baby Jade's 1st birthday party. The Woody girls in their party dresses.

Anna did not like to wear her party hat.

She preferred to eat it.

Having fun at the Elmo party.

Justin and Anna having fun.

The birthday girl! Happy Birthday Jade! We love you!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Anna is 7 months old!

Anna is now 7 months old. She is a very happy baby for the most part except if she's tired, then watch out! She has been doing much better since she has been healthy for an entire month now. What a rough winter we had with sickness. But she's all better now. She is working on her 2nd tooth and is eating her cereal and baby food really well now. She loves peas and green beans.

This darn tooth is driving me crazy!

I love when Mama makes my hair crazy after my bath!

beautiful baby girl

proud big sister

1st woody family photo

birthday girl

1st day of school