Monday, August 24, 2009

City Beach 2009!

We went to Ocean City for a long weekend last week. Also known as City Beach. We had a great time. The girls had so much fun and we got to visit with some friends we haven't seen in a while. Beautiful girls on the beach.
Of course we honored the Woody family tradition and flew kites on the beach.

We went to the boardwalk on Saturday night and met up with the Grose family.

Woody family vacation in City Beach
Francesca was super excited to see SpongeBob. He is her absolute favorite.
Anna and Schyler watch the big kids ride the rides.

Wyatt and Francesca on the rides.
Passed out after a long day on the beach and boardwalk. No arguments about going to bed that night.

My girls
Love the ponytail!
A lot of kids hate the sand, mine don't!
These sisters just love each other to pieces!
Chillin' out in the beach chair.
Francesca holding baby Cruz
Takin a break with Daddy in the shade
Francesca, Rowan, Laila, and Anna
Beautiful, sandy, girl

beautiful baby girl

proud big sister

1st woody family photo

birthday girl

1st day of school