Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Anna is 3 months old!

Anna is 3 months old already! She is "talking" a lot now and really lights up when her big sister walks in the room. We've had a rough few weeks. Francesca had an ear infection for a week and now Anna has a really bad respiratory virus. Very rough for mom and dad. Other than that everyone is great. We spent Anna's first Thanksgiving at Nana's and then at Grandma's. Francesca sang in her Thanksgiving program at school. She did a really good job. We are all looking forward to Christmas although Francesca is afraid of Santa. Daddy has to go to his house to get her presents. Santa is not allowed at our house.

Anna's first Thanksgiving

Francesca dressed like a pilgram for her Thanksgiving program at school.

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beautiful baby girl

proud big sister

1st woody family photo

birthday girl

1st day of school