Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Saturday we went to the pool. Francesca was brave enough to actually get in the pool. The water was freezing! Anna sat in the shade and chewed on pool toys while her sister swam.

Sunday we went to a cookout at Grandma and Pop Pop's house.

Ms. Ali, Anna, and Uncle Bryan.

Uncle Bryan and Francesca having a serious talk.

Big Pop Pop and Anna.

Welcome Kylie Michelle!

Congratulations to the Henry family. Kylie Michelle was born on May 15, 2008. Here are a few photos of the new Henry girl with the Woody girls. Congratulations Melissa, Rick, and big brother Hayden!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Weekend Pics

Anna thinks she's a big girl now. She's always pulling up in her crib.
Zia came to visit last weekend. We took a trip to the zoo. Anna and Nana are waiting for the tram in the shade. Zia and Francesca with the lion at the zoo.

Francesca wanted to look like Mama after her bath with her towel on her head.

We signed Francesca up for soccer in the fall so she wanted to practice.

Practicing with Daddy.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tot School Graduation

Francesca graduated from the 3 year old Tot class at Holy Nativity today. She was so proud and so were we. She did such a great job and learned so many new things. She made a lot of good friends and has her first boyfriend.

Recieving her diploma from Ms. Kim

Proudly displaying her diploma.

Francesca with her teachers, Ms. Lisa and Ms. Kim

Francesca and Chad first true love.

Chad and Stevie kissing Francesca.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I had a great Mother's Day. Francesca woke her dad up at 6:00 so that she could make me breakfast in bed (toast and oj). Thankfully Daddy held her off until 7:30. She was so excited to make me breakfast. Then we went to Grandma's for lunch and Nana's for dinner. We had a great day. The Woody family.
Four generations on Mother's Day.

Anna is 8 months old now and starting to pull herself up. She tries to crawl but just goes around in a circle. She has 4 teeth with two more on the way. She waves bye bye all of the time.

Nana and I went to the Nurse's Ball at the Baltimore Museum of Industry on Friday to celebrate Nurse week. We had a really good time.

Planting flowers with Daddy last weekend.

beautiful baby girl

proud big sister

1st woody family photo

birthday girl

1st day of school