Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I had a great Mother's Day. Francesca woke her dad up at 6:00 so that she could make me breakfast in bed (toast and oj). Thankfully Daddy held her off until 7:30. She was so excited to make me breakfast. Then we went to Grandma's for lunch and Nana's for dinner. We had a great day. The Woody family.
Four generations on Mother's Day.

Anna is 8 months old now and starting to pull herself up. She tries to crawl but just goes around in a circle. She has 4 teeth with two more on the way. She waves bye bye all of the time.

Nana and I went to the Nurse's Ball at the Baltimore Museum of Industry on Friday to celebrate Nurse week. We had a really good time.

Planting flowers with Daddy last weekend.

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beautiful baby girl

proud big sister

1st woody family photo

birthday girl

1st day of school