Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More Shore Time.

We went to the shore again over the weekend. We had a good time until the ride home. We got into a car accident. Thank God we are all OK. Here are some pictures from the fun part of our weekend. Check out the tan lines on Anna.
Mama and Francesca showing off the catch of the day.

Francesca and Poppy fishing on the peir.

Anna swam and crawled so much on the beach she couldn't even hold her head up to eat dinner.

Francesca being silly.

Anna has a sand beard from eating so much sand.

Swimming in her float.

Poppy and his girls.

Ballerina Birthday Party

Francesca went to her friend, Gabriella's birthday party 2 weeks ago. It was at a dance studio in Columbia. She had a lot of fun, but when it was time to perform the dance for the parents she decided she had enough and sat on my lap the rest of the time. My beautiful ballerina.
Learning how to dance to Sleeping Beauty with her hot pink tutu.

Stretching before the dance.

Stretching with all the girls.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Shore time!

We went to Nana's shore again last week. Here are some pictures from our trip. Francesca learning how to knit with Nana.
Sharing an early morning cuddle with Nana.

Anna checking the place out.

Mama and the girls swimming.

The girls in the blow up boat.

Anna in the pool trying to get into the sand.

Having fun in the baby pool.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We had a fun 4th of July. We went to the parade in Arbutus then to the Henry's for a cookout. Anna had fun on her 1st 4th of July.
Hayden didn't like the sirens on the fire trucks...

neither did Francesca.

Maggie enjoying her lollipop.

The whole crew: Erica, Anna, Francesca, Peyton, Melissa, Maggie, Hayden, and Dawn.

The 3 big kids watching the parade.

Playing with Hayden's toys at the Henry's house. Francesca doesn't look too happy for some reason.

Peyton giving a cheesy grin...Anna is thinking, "what is up with you girl?"

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Anna is 10 months old!

Anna is 10 months old already! She wants to walk in the worst way. She crawls everywhere and walks all along the furniture. She loves to chase her sister. She is starting to say a few words. She laughs all of the time. Here is what happens to Anna's hair after swimming in the pool and then taking a nice, long nap.
Getting a bottle with Sissy.

Swinging in the swing at the pool.

Summer Fun!

Just doing a little catch up here. A few pictures from the last month or so. Anna playing with her second cousin Brooke who is 3 months younger than Anna but 2 pounds heavier!
Francesca holding Brooke.

We had a yard sale where Francesca had her first Lemonade stand.

Watering her flower garden.

We went to the farm in Ellicott City. Francesca loves petting the goats.

The girls with the sheep.

In the big whale mouth.

Cooling off in the sprinkler.

beautiful baby girl

proud big sister

1st woody family photo

birthday girl

1st day of school