Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We had a fun 4th of July. We went to the parade in Arbutus then to the Henry's for a cookout. Anna had fun on her 1st 4th of July.
Hayden didn't like the sirens on the fire trucks...

neither did Francesca.

Maggie enjoying her lollipop.

The whole crew: Erica, Anna, Francesca, Peyton, Melissa, Maggie, Hayden, and Dawn.

The 3 big kids watching the parade.

Playing with Hayden's toys at the Henry's house. Francesca doesn't look too happy for some reason.

Peyton giving a cheesy grin...Anna is thinking, "what is up with you girl?"

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beautiful baby girl

proud big sister

1st woody family photo

birthday girl

1st day of school