Tuesday, December 23, 2008

More Christmas Fun

Boy, have we been busy the last few days. Finally, after the girls had been sick for a week and a half we were able to have some holiday fun. Francesca had her Christmas program and party at school. The kids were so cute singing, and she made me the cutest ornament for my present. A few pictures of Francesca singing with her friends at school.

Later that night we went to the community Christmas party for the kids. They had pizza and watched all the classic Christmas movies. Francesca loves hanging with the big girls. Here she is with her friend Renee.

Watching movies with the girls.

Anna having some pizza.

Anna trying to hug Brittney Ashby. They were so cute together. They are only one day apart but Anna is a little bigger so she kept calling Brittney "bebe" (baby). So cute.

The next day we went to Grandma's to do a craft with some kids in her neighborhood and all the little cousins. Here's Francesca with her friend Lindsey decorating their piggybanks.

Posing with the final product.
Tonight we attempted to see Santa next to the Ice Cream Cottage in Arbutus. Francesca still refuses so she and Nana had ice cream at the cottage while Poppy, Anna, and I waited in line. Well, Anna is following in big sister's footsteps. As soon as we walked in she screamed her head off. This is the best attempt at a picture with Anna and Santa. We just ran out of there as fast as possible.
Looking at the lights outside of Santa's house pre-screaming.

After all the drama we had ice cream at the cottage (yes, it's 20 degrees out). Here's the girls with Poppy and Nana on the swing outside of the ice cream cottage.

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beautiful baby girl

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