Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weber's Farm

Yes, we went to another farm today. It was so nice out, I had to take the kids to do something. Ms. Melissa gave us tickets to Weber's Farm and we had so much fun. Francesca loved going down the big slide. Anna loved looking at the animals. Here she is feeding a goat.
Playing in the hay maze.

Anna hiding in the big tire.

Acting silly.

Getting ready to go on a hayride.

Carving Pumpkins!

Yesterday, we carved our pumpkins. Anna loved digging the gushy guts out. Daddy and his girls having fun.
Gettin down and dirty.

My little pumpkins with their pumpkins.

Field Trip to the Farm

Francesca's class went on a field trip to Elioak's Farm on Friday. Here she is feeding the sheep. Waiting in line to ride the pony.
Francesca, Bailey, and Anna on the hayride.

Francesca and Anna feed the goats.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Homestead Gardens

We went to the fall festival at Homestead Gardens today with Aunt Shelley & Jack. Ms. Melissa & Ms. Dawn went too with their kids but it was hard to keep everyone together so we spent most of our time with the Mansolillos. Sisterly love in the pumkin patch.

Hanging out in the pumpkin box.

Riding the pony.

Aunt Shelley and Jack on the pony.

Francesca and Jack strike a pose for the camera...Anna is off wandering of course.

Watching the ponies.

Cutie pie.

Francesca decorating pumpkins with Aunt Shelley and Jack.

Francesca met the Oriole bird.

Jack and Francesca going down the slide.

I think Anna got some hay in her mouth...she's making a funny face.

Francesca ended the day with some cotton candy.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Halloween Party at Playwise Kids

Today we went to a Halloween party at Playwise Kids. Francesca wore her Hannah Montana outfit and Anna wore her MD cheerleader outfit. Francesca tries on the fireman boots.
Anna takes a ride.
Anna is learning to eat with a spoon. Below is the result of her lesson tonight with yogurt. Towards the end of the meal she gave up and used the fingers and tongue instead.

The Zoo

We went to the zoo last Sunday and we were able to feed the giraffes. Anna didn't like getting so close but Francesca thought it was really cool. Anna like seeing all the animals, just not so close.

Nana and Francesca pose with the giraffe.

Nana, Anna, and Francesca by the elephants.

The Woody girls acting silly.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fall Pics

Just a few pictures since I haven't added any in a few weeks. Anna is happy about something she sees in People magazine (mom is starting her early)
Taking a break to read one of her favorite books Pat the Bunny.
Francesca had a bike a thon at her school last week to help St. Judes Children's Hospital. Here she is having a snack before starting to ride.
Riding her big girl bike all by herself.
Francesca and her friend Zach.
We went to the Renassaince festival a few weeks ago, poor Anna had to watch most of the action from her stroller.
Mama and Francesca hamming it up.
Riding the ponies.

Of course we had to get the princess hat and wand.

beautiful baby girl

proud big sister

1st woody family photo

birthday girl

1st day of school