Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fall Pics

Just a few pictures since I haven't added any in a few weeks. Anna is happy about something she sees in People magazine (mom is starting her early)
Taking a break to read one of her favorite books Pat the Bunny.
Francesca had a bike a thon at her school last week to help St. Judes Children's Hospital. Here she is having a snack before starting to ride.
Riding her big girl bike all by herself.
Francesca and her friend Zach.
We went to the Renassaince festival a few weeks ago, poor Anna had to watch most of the action from her stroller.
Mama and Francesca hamming it up.
Riding the ponies.

Of course we had to get the princess hat and wand.

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beautiful baby girl

proud big sister

1st woody family photo

birthday girl

1st day of school