Sunday, October 19, 2008

Homestead Gardens

We went to the fall festival at Homestead Gardens today with Aunt Shelley & Jack. Ms. Melissa & Ms. Dawn went too with their kids but it was hard to keep everyone together so we spent most of our time with the Mansolillos. Sisterly love in the pumkin patch.

Hanging out in the pumpkin box.

Riding the pony.

Aunt Shelley and Jack on the pony.

Francesca and Jack strike a pose for the camera...Anna is off wandering of course.

Watching the ponies.

Cutie pie.

Francesca decorating pumpkins with Aunt Shelley and Jack.

Francesca met the Oriole bird.

Jack and Francesca going down the slide.

I think Anna got some hay in her mouth...she's making a funny face.

Francesca ended the day with some cotton candy.

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beautiful baby girl

proud big sister

1st woody family photo

birthday girl

1st day of school